Is Kobra made in China?
No. Our product is produced and manufactured in Milano, Italy and is made with the finest materials and technology in paint production.
What are some of the characteristics of Kobra paint?
Kobra has both high pressure and low pressure cans. Both types can be characterized as having:
– Superior coverage and longevity
– High quality 100% acrylic, non-synthetic paint
– Super fast drying times
– Works well on any type of surface and in most weather conditions
– Works fast for large areas, as well as in precise, detailed work
What steps does Kobra take to protect its user’s health and the environment?
Our cans do not contain aromatic solvents in order to preserve the health of our users. Our cans have also been developed with every possible care given to the environment by:
– Using propellants that do not damage the ozone layer
– Using risk-free, non-aromatic solvents for the dilution of our paint
– Using pigments that are lead free and contain non toxic substances
– Using products during packaging and finishing process – cardboard boxes, plastic caps, cans – which are totally recyclable
– Studying high performance products with low V.O.C. content
We have also taken into consideration the environment when developing our exclusive color reference system. The varnish contained is printed directly on the can without any plastic parts. This guarantees 100% of color reliability and prevents plastic waste to protect the environment.
What is the best way to safely use Kobra aerosol paint?
We recommend that users where a mask, gloves and eye protection when using aerosol paint. You should always use our products in well ventilated areas and read all caution labels printed on the cans before use. Seek medical advise immediately if swallowed or eye contact.
Where will Kobra be sold?
– Through our website Shop Now
– Distribution points of sale will be added.
How long has Kobra been in business?
Kobra sells throughout Europe and has been in business for 9 years. The makers of Kobra have produced paint in Italy for over 50 years.
Does Kobra support illegal grafitti?
Our product is not intended to be used illegally and Kobra does not condone or support illegal grafitti. We do believe grafitti is a legit artform and occasionally support grafitti related events, always with the understanding that any supplied product will be used for legal art purposes. We will not be held responsible if our products are misused (see our terms of use for more info).
Can I distribute Kobra Paint?
Yes, we are always looking for good partners throughout the US and Latin America. Call us for details for our wholesale and preferred customer pricing.
What kind of caps/tips can I use on the cans?
Both high pressure and low pressure cans come with a unique universal cap system where most caps will work with the can.
What is your refund policy?
All sales are final.